Forum - Which Edmunds achromatic doublet lens should be used?

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Overview > Miniscope Discussion > Optics > Which Edmunds achromatic doublet lens should be used? Write a reply

I want to image ~2.5mm beneath the surface of the cortex. How do I determine which of the lenses will work best for our setup?

Posted by Auptain on 21 April 2016 at 20:37.
Edited by Auptain on 21 April 2016 at 21:23.

Hi Auptain,

You will always be limited to a few hundred micrometers below the bottom of the GRIN lens due to absorption and scattering of brain tissue so you will still need to implant the GRIN lens right above the structure you are interested in. For a given achromatic lens you will be able to adjust the depth of the focal plane by around 200um. Using a shorter focal length achromatic lens push this range of focal planes closer to the bottom of the GRIN lens. Using a longer focal length achromatic lens will push this range of focal planes further from the bottom of the GRIN lens. A shorter focal length achromatic lens will also give you a larger field of view by up to 30%.

Posted by DAharoni (administrator) on 21 April 2016 at 22:24.

What are the (approximate) sensor to lens and lens to lens distances? I'd like to work out imaging conditions with different achromatic lenses. Or if you know them, what are the approximate mags and distances for the 12.5, 15, and 20mm lens? How much (theoretical) gain do I get for using the 20mm over the 15mm?

Posted by Johnston on 7 June 2016 at 23:54.

Hi Auptain, - Did you figure it out how to image ~2.5 mm beneath the surface of the cortex without implanting the GRIN lense just above the Region of interest?

Posted by Rafaom12 on 6 February 2019 at 17:54.