Forum - CMOS Sensor short between signal & ground

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Overview > Miniscope Discussion > Electronics > CMOS Sensor short between signal & ground Write a reply


I noticed there was a short between my coax signal and ground connections on my CMOS sensor. I desoldered the connections and noticed there seems to be a short between the signal and ground connections on the CMOS PCB itself. Is this supposed to be, or is there something wrong with my CMOS sensor (or perhaps was there sloppy soldering that connected the 2 holes by mistake)?

Thanks, Pratik

Posted by Pchheda on 5 July 2016 at 16:03.

Hi Pratik,

Ground and signal/power should not be shorted on the CMOS PCB or DAQ PCB. The most likely cause of this is sloppy soldering.

Posted by DAharoni (administrator) on 5 July 2016 at 17:12.