Talk:Member Pages
I have some problems operating the miniscope camera software.
When i open the software and click connect i get a red screen that does not show the camera's view. If i click connect again the software 95% of the time crashes. The other 5% the screen turns black but still no picture even if the sliders for exposure and gain are changed.
I went online and looked at some troubleshooting forums and tried to follow some of the troubleshooting steps. I followed the following steps.
Connect the miniscope camera to the DAQ box and plug it into the computer before plugging in the DAQ box. Click the connect button again if a red screen pops up.
I have tried 0, 1, and 2 for the miniscope camera number and confirmed im using the correct number.
I connected the 3.0 usb to a blue 3.0 usb port on my computer
I changed the computer from a windows 7 to a windows 10. (Both Dell)
I have verified all three lights turn on before clicking connect
Things i do not have I do not have a second usb cable to plug into the computer I do not have a second DAQ box I do not have another miniscope camera setup I would like to fix this problem and any instructions or guidance you can give would be great.