Hi Daniel,
Sorry for my tardy replies. Just back from a trip to Japan.
The surface pro works pretty well. I have the last but one version (I think it is Surface Pro 3) running windows 10. It does crash from time to time but it works and we have successfully used it for experiments in transgenic mice expressing a form of GCaMP. The only problem for me is that the screen is so high resolution, that the GUI is hard for me to read now i am getting long-sighted.
Relating to a previous thread elsewhere, I have not been able to use the Surface Pro to load up the EEPROM using Cypress, I have had to do that with a macbook pro.
Because Macbooks are quite expensive and we cannot get equipment in and out of our animal unit very easily so need dedicated computers, I would like to find a desktop or laptop that is reasonably cheap but good enough and keeps our IT people happy. Sadly in our University, installing anything yourself is becoming a problem. Just having admin access is a battle in itself !!!!