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Optics / Calibration
« Last post by ryancameron on July 02, 2018, 04:20:20 PM »
Hello all, I have been trying to calibrate two of our miniscope systems for a month now and have not had any success. I have used 1.0mm diameter by 9 mm long GRIN lenses as well as .6mm x 7.5mm GRIN lens. I have tried imaging with the calibration slide at all of the focal heights the Miniscope will allow, and still can't get a clear picture of the lines on the slide.

I was wondering if I could get in direct contact with someone who has successfully calibrated the system, so I could take a look at the procedures to try and find where I went wrong.

Ryan Cameron
Electronics / Using a sony sensor with the miniscope DAQ?
« Last post by kyrollosyanny on June 30, 2018, 01:48:32 AM »
Hi all,
Does anyone know how hard it is to replace the miniscope sensor with one of sony's larger sensors with smaller pixel size (IMX178 or IMX 174)? I know I will have to design the sensor board but does anyone have any info on how possible that is and the limitations?

thank you
Surgery and Baseplating / Lens holder option for implant during surgery
« Last post by TBNentwig on June 28, 2018, 03:38:52 PM »
Hi All,

I am curious what methods people are using to hold the GRIN lens while driving it into the brain. I'm familiar with the heat shrink serrefine method from the Resendez protocol, but I figured someone might have a newer, more clever design.

Alternatively, has anyone had luck using the lens holder designs from other providers such as the ONE core (neuroprobeamajiger), Doric, etc.?

Thanks for your insight.
General Discussion / Metal rods for Rat Protective Cone?
« Last post by TBNentwig on June 22, 2018, 09:15:37 PM »
Hey All,

I am curious if anyone has found a good iron rod or wire to hold together the two pieces of the 3D-printed protective cone for rats?

If so could you provide the specs or a link for purchase.

General Discussion / Recording quality of miniscope
« Last post by Yong on June 21, 2018, 02:01:09 AM »
Thanks miniscope organization for sharing all the information about UCLA miniscope. How any people test both UCLA miniscope and nVISTA system? Is there any significant difference of recording quality between two systems?
General Discussion / Re: Can GCaMP signals pass through the corpus callosum?
« Last post by Yong on June 21, 2018, 01:40:54 AM »
Perhaps you can try prism probe from Inscopix. The focus area for prism probe is at the side of probe tip.
Data Analysis / Re: error in using etterguillaume/MiniscopeAnalysis
« Last post by xiaoyup on June 18, 2018, 08:58:40 PM »
thank you!  Will do that!
Data Analysis / Re: error in using etterguillaume/MiniscopeAnalysis
« Last post by Daniel Aharoni on June 18, 2018, 05:28:58 PM »
Hi Xiao,
I think you best bet would be to post this question on their GitHub page. Go to their GitHub repo page and find the "Issues" tab then click "New Issue" and add this information there.
Data Analysis / error in using etterguillaume/MiniscopeAnalysis
« Last post by xiaoyup on June 14, 2018, 10:07:00 PM »
I am wondering where to post questions about this new miniscope analysis package and I couldn't find Dr. Guillaume's contact information.  I followed the the instructions, put all folders name in the msBatchFileList.m, then run msBatchRun2018.   Got errors:

Undefined function 'hour' for input arguments of type 'double'.

Error in msBatchRun2018 (line 54)
    analysis_time =strcat(date,'_', num2str(hour(now)),'-',num2str(minute(now)),'-',num2str(floor(second(now))));

what does this mean or where else should I ask?  Many thanks!
Behavior / Re: Behavioral Syncing with TTLs
« Last post by chase_clark on May 30, 2018, 04:12:14 AM »
Hi Daniel,
I figured that was the case. Thanks for the heads up though!
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