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Messages - vluczak

Pages: [1]
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the response!

I assumed you were talking about the GRIN lens but wasn't sure. Glad we're on the same page.

I know what you mean about the Doric system. It's a solution, but somewhat "rigid" in terms of lens pairing. Hence, the  S/L scope bodies.

Yes, I'm also concerned about the work needed to find the right tube lens. Unfortunately, I can't invest the effort but I'm sure someone else is close to solving this problem.

Behavior / Long-term miniscope attachment
« on: April 25, 2017, 10:02:54 PM »
What is the longest anyone has left the miniscope attached to a mouse? Will they grow tired and show decreased mobility if you leave it attached for a day or more?

Hi Daniel,

I'm also interested in a two-color system, but I need to incorporate a relay lens to access deeper brain areas.

Regarding point 1, I think I'm missing something, but what chromatic lenses are currently in the system?

Using 2 CMOS sensors seems like the most direct solution, but I'm a bit concerned about the added weight from the extra sensor/filters/housing/torque from added height. Presumably, once the two sensors are adjusted to the same focal plane for a given GRIN lens, they will simultaneously adjust with the single focusing mechanism? I guess it depends on how the image path is set up. On a related note, it looks like this is the direction Doric has taken, but it's still not clear to me if you can adjust the focal plane at all.

I like the idea of correcting the chromatic aberration with a custom tube lens, but I'm assuming the aberration for a particular GRIN lens will vary from batch to batch (maybe not?). Do you have any suggestion how to begin searching for the right lens? I'll email Edmund optics to see if they can offer some advice, but I'm worried this will require some optical design that is beyond my qualifications.


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